Seylech (Charles) Leuthard, Künstler des Lichts.

June 30, 2020

86th entry, Brienzwiler

For the last three days, I have been on crutches. My left knee is swollen and painful. While I was out for a walk in the woods, I clumsily tripped and fell hitting my knee directly on a rock. The doctor thinks that the inflamed bursa requires a cool compress along with rest. In this case, antibiotics are the best medicine for recovery.

I am taking it easy but do not let it deprive me of the opportunity to do smaller works in my studio, which is something that is good for my soul.

Today I was able to sell two commissioned pieces that I agreed to create over a year ago. The couple and I, as well, are happy and satisfied. Commissioned pieces are always a challenge, but I like this and believe that everything will turn out well.

Good fortune is with me, and understand that if I use my abilities and have the courage to live my dreams, the positive forces of the universe that are in the background will accompany everything favorably and supportively.