Seylech (Charles) Leuthard, Künstler des Lichts.

December 31, 2021

104th Entry, Brienzwiler

Normally I do not work in my studio between Christmas and New Year. This year I can’t help but go there daily. Luckily for my wife, the studio is not very big, otherwise, I would only be found here.

In numerical terms, there are on average 125 new artworks completed in one year, all wonderfully photographed and chronologically entered into a notebook. For every year there is a new notebook. At this time, there are 25.

I never look back at works that have been created when I am working on a new piece. The inspiration is always there, unique and new for each work. I like to work with diverse materials and techniques. It’s something that never exhausts me, on the contrary; it invigorates and inspires me so much. It enlivens and excites me so much that it makes me forget the outer world with its present form of control and deprivation of freedom. I hope very much that it may also be the case for the art-interested viewer of my works.

In this sense, a wholehearted, beautiful, free, healthy, new year to everyone.