February 22, 2012
6th entry, Bern
I was very surprised to realize that I had not written anything for three months. Obviously my intention to write into my artist’s diary once a month wasn’t very successful.
My personal and artistic lives are just perfect. They are colorful and lively with a few obstacles strewn in to ponder and meditate upon. The exhibition in Gstaad came to an abrupt end. Oh well, in hindsight one is always more prudent and maybe even a little wiser.
The first messengers of spring have appeared and the titmice are singing their song. I am wandering about with my camera to take a few snap shots. For me finding a balance between working at my studio and being out in nature is very important and inspiring. Whenever I look around I feel the life flowing around me and new ideas are beginning to take shape. Unfortunately this inspired state of mind is very fleeting and only a fraction of the new ideas will actually find their artistic expression.
Good to know that the days are becoming longer and that during the days and weeks to come the golden sun will give us more and more of her time.
Some paintings of the “Yellow Summer” series will be shown at the “Lebenskraft” fair in Zurich from March 1 to 4. I am looking forward to the feedback.