Seylech (Charles) Leuthard, Künstler des Lichts.

January 31, 2021

93rd entry, Brienzwiler

A good friend and patron, who bought some exquisite works of art about a year ago, sent me a package filled with sweets and fine treats about a week ago. What especially pleased me, however, were the very fitting words, as if heaven had its hand in the game. The words were something like this: Seylech, do not give up, even in this very uncertain and challenging time of transition. The words hit me right in the heart. I was so touched that I needed to pause for a moment while reading. I silently thanked the creator. This gift came so suddenly at a moment that could not have been more fitting. Bruno, thank you very much!

There will soon be a new link called “New Line” added on my homepage where I will show works that require a bit of courage from me. I will now show a side of my artwork, which until now I made only vaguely public. There are abstract, modern, and austere compositions that afford me a lot of space and freedom. Some are created in fast, sure movements. Others need a lot of time and are multi-layered and dimensional in themselves. And as so often – how could it be otherwise – there is also some gold. Gold, which refines everything so wonderfully, makes the image glow and creates warmth.