Seylech (Charles) Leuthard, Künstler des Lichts.

January 31, 2025

140th Entry, Meiringen

What really shakes me to the core are photos and reports of children, for example in Palestine, who must fight for a little food for themselves, their siblings and friends in order to survive. Right now, I am sitting comfortably here in a cafe in Meiringen and am reading this article in “Stern.” I am very thoughtful and full of sympathy for these children, as I was myself was in this land two years ago, which is steeped in history.
“What can I do?,” I contemplated later in my studio.

Send light and love – yes, certainly.
Nurture peace and understanding for other cultures – yes, certainly.
Give children around me the feeling that planet Earth is a loving and safe place to live – yes, certainly.
Give hope and be confident – yes, certainly.
Work in my studio to inspire and bring beautiful, light-filled art into the world – yes, certainly.