January 9, 2019
70th entry, Brienz
I really enjoy the days between Christmas and the beginning of the New Year. Time seems to slow down and appears to be very meditative.
When I enter my studio now I don’t work. I am just creative in a relaxed and quiet manner. I want to try to apply this attitude as long as possible in the new year also. But often I catch myself listening to my inner slave driver that demands more of me than is healthy.
I have plans and ideas that I would like to implement. For one I would like to write down the story of my life – inspired by Bert Hellinger’s book “Mein Leben. Mein Werk.” On the other hand I want to write down the stories of Giaberuso that I would like to tell in an illustrated children’s book. And of course there is my art that still thrills and transfixes me.
Oh well, each day has 24 hours, and untold days lie ahead of me. And I have two hands that are well skilled and eager to work…