Seylech (Charles) Leuthard, Künstler des Lichts.

June 13, 2014

22nd entry, Bern

The days are hot; the sun is burning down… And I love it! Lightly clad I work in my studio, lost in thought, the twittering of hatching house martins for companionship. The days are peaceful and nourishing. They allow me the space to ponder many things… like the impermanence of life.

Although this impermanence is revealed to me by the daily, even hourly changes of nature in a sanguine manner, part of me experiences it as pain. No, not briefly, the way I would like to have it, no, much more persistent and deeply ingrained. I have learned to come to grips with it and accept it as something that I can make my peace with.

I see it as an asset and a movement leading me to a place where I can feel the truth. I take it as an inspiration for future works.

My father left this plane two weeks ago.